We have been extremely happy with the quality of the survey methodology, the presentation of reports and the excellent service that Jared and the team at PublicVoice have provided. I would happily recommend PublicVoice to any business looking to gain a deeper understanding of various client segments.

Kate JanesSenior Corporate Planner, Upper Hutt City Council


Upper Hutt City Council (UHCC) provides a diverse range of services to the Upper Hutt Community including:

  • Economic Development support for Upper Hutt Businesses
  • Support for community development groups
  • Building consent services

As a public entity, it is essential that UHCC provides services that meet the needs of each customer group. UHCC is required by legislation to report performance and the services it provides to the community. It is essential that the collection and reporting of community feedback is carried out in an independent and impartial manner.


PublicVoice has been providing New Zealand Councils with an independent, impartial and cost-effective community feedback service since 2006.

PublicVoice designed and built four online surveys to canvas feedback from UHCC service users. This included designing survey questionnaires which utilise current best practice in question design. The surveys were constructed on a responsive platform which enabled survey participants to provide their feedback on either a desktop or mobile device. Survey invitations were emailed out to all relevant contacts and reminders were sent out to non-respondents to optimise response rates.


PublicVoice has carried out surveys for UHCC since 2016. The reports produced have provided UHCC with an efficient and independent measure of service performance for a broad range of service areas. Text analysis of open ended responses was completed, which enabled UHCC to quickly identify trends and provide insight into the attitudes and opinions of service users.